
Showing posts from January, 2023

Best practices in rack safety

  Best practices in rack safety Every so often, it’s good to have a bit of a refresher course in certain subjects. Rack safety certainly qualifies. So here we go. The short course is simple. Rack safety is all about protecting people, equipment, and product. “Rack safety is about keeping people safe and away from dangerous areas in the warehouse. It’s also about protecting the rack from lift trucks and other warehouse equipment. And it’s about placing and keeping the product in the rack so it doesn’t endanger people or equipment.” There’s a nice safety symmetry to all that. And a direct correlation is there between safe, secure loads in the rack and high warehouse productivity. Basically, you can’t have the latter without the former. Unfortunately, there are plenty of opportunities to compromise rack safety. In fact, unsafe rack ranges from damage to columns and bracing to shelf and decking instability. Combinations of deficiencies such as damaged columns and unsecured loads only exace